Kids Corner
Hi Kids!
My name is Gardy, I want you to join my No-Cavity Club! If you are under the age of 13, you can earn membership to the Club by having a cavity-free checkup. If you didn't have a cavity free checkup, don't worry, you can still earn membership to the Club when you get your cavity fixed and if you can tell one of the Guardian Dental Care staff members what you're going to do to take great care of your teeth and prevent cavities. Each time you have a checkup and earn or renew your membership to the No-Cavity Club, you also earn an entry into our quarterly draw for cool prizes like gift cards, Lego, books and more! Be sure to look at our No-Cavity Club page to see tips to be cavity free and check out our current Club members and winner of the most recent draw!
Guess what kids, you can find coloring pages of me, crossword puzzles, word searches and other fun activities by clicking on the "Fun Activities"
button below. I would be so happy if you brought your beautiful coloring page to our office so we can hang it up on the wall for everybody to see! There are even a few pages of me and my arch enemy "Sugar Bug Blob". He doesn't stand a chance against my toothbrush sword, enamel shield and trusty dental floss!
Sometimes I like to have events especially for kids. Click on the "Special Events" button to see what we have planned with kids in mind!
I hope to see you soon! Remember to brush and floss your beautiful teeth!!!